If you don't feel like drinking alcohol or if you have to drive or get up early or if you can't drink alcohol for medical reasons, a glass of alcohol-free wine is an ideal alternative.

But what is the actual shelf life of alcohol-free wine?

Wines can have a long shelf life and some wines even improve if they are allowed to mature quietly for a longer period of time in a cellar or wine storage cabinet. Non-alcoholic wines, on the other hand, do not have the same shelf life. In fact, it is best to open them within 12 months of receipt.

Just like wine, a chilled alcohol-free wine gives that little bit extra that makes it taste delicious. Therefore, simply store the white alcohol-free wine at approx. 8 degrees (just too cold because the taste is not really noticeable) and store or serve the red alcohol-free wine at approx. 16 degrees.

Is the bottle not completely empty?

No problem, just put the cork back on and put it in the refrigerator (also the red wine), then it will stay good for another 2 to 3 days (just let the red wine stand so that it can slowly reach the desired temperature before serving).

Tip for serving: also put the white wine glasses in a climate cabinet or cool room. Then the temperature of the wine, when pouring, will not immediately rise quickly.

To top it all off, you can also have a special “non-alcoholic wine climate cabinet” in your possession. Then your non-alcoholic wines are always ready for when you feel like it or when your visitors ask for it!

Four climate cabinets of different sizes with rows of red and blue illuminated wine bottles, against a dark, atmospheric background with a subtle smoke effect.
